
To evaluate customer service quality, we recommend the Mystery Shopping approach in which selected auditors act as potential customers and visit the point of sale to accurately observe staff behavior when dealing with customers.

All findings are recorded in a special form with the Customer Service Standard being used as the study baseline. Our specialist uses the standard and works together with the Client to draft a proposed examination questionnaire to determine the evaluation of the point of sale as well as the examination scenario. We assume an individualized approach to each examination, each scenario is tailored to the specific requirements of the Client and their industry branch so as to reflect natural customer behavior as closely as possible. Mystery Shopping is used to determine to what degree are customer service standards carried out by staff in their daily work.

We take great care during auditor selection. We work closely together with the Client to determine the profile of a potential buyer (target group) and pick the auditors for the examination according to specific criteria, e.g. by age, sex or if they have children. Special care given during auditor selection means our examination is as close to a natural business situation as possible.

Our Clients may monitor the current results of the audit by accessing the our online platform which was developed as a time-saving feature. The use of the on-line system allows to immediately verify the ongoing examination, observe the results and generate any kind of summary statistics, rankings (of POS, sellers, etc.)

The course of the audit

Types of audits in our offer

Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopper – direct verification carried out in a shop / point of sale / catering outlet / service point

Mystery Calling

Verifies the level of customer service during a phone call. Dedicated for customers where this form of customer communication is of key importance: sales department, customer service, tech support, marketing, post-sale service.

Mystery mailing

Verifies customer service quality during email contact. Dedicated for companies where email responses are the critical indicator of customer satisfaction.

Raporty o konkurencji

Carrying out mystery shopping evaluations at the facilities of your competition allow to formulate customer service standards or compare standard efficiency with your own network


Would you like to improve customer service quality and improve sales?

Get in touch with our consultant

Karolina Wojciechowska
Mobile: 883 967 003

Would you like to join our auditor database? Apply now!



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